This is my site, not yours. It's about anything I wanna comment about. Movies, TV, games and how much I dislike Janet Reno. I could talk about the pure crappiness of Moulin Rouge, or could not. It's my site and if you gotta problem with that,
too bad. Links are at the bottom of the page.
Well then, lets just talk about where you should go. If you wanna read my reviews go to the page marked "reviews". Oh, if you couldn't figure that out on your own, go away, get outta here. You're just going to get your feelings hurt. Everything else is pretty explanatory, so have fun. This page is just me talking about miscellaneous things so it will probably be updated the most. Also, I couldn't get the links to work on the left of the page, go to the bottom if you want more than reviews.
MY FUTURE......NOT YOURS..........
Well, today I told my Dad I'm not going to go to college, instead I'm going to leach off of my fellow Americans through the great system of welfare. Not because I dislike my fellow Americans, but because they owe it to me. Now I'm in the hospital with all of my limbs broken. Surprise surprise. Hope ya'll liked that. Oh and this was the final test, if you think that was true than JUST LEAVE!!
The Big Kahoona